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Plan of Preparation for AKT

Plan of Preparation for AKT

by Dr. Mahmoud Elamary -
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Our main 2 sources are (AKT question bank)


Oxford Handbook for general practice 5th edition (2020 release 

here is the schedule for 60 days till the exam 

and this Schedule is for 90 days studying before the exam

This schedule is set for who plans to go for  AKT to do full question bank and to solve wrong answers twice plus reading oxford

60-120  questions daily is not difficult, but the time it takes to finish it differs from one person to another depending on how busy they are (free all day or 8 hour Duty or 12 hour duty  , so you may try and see if you can do it or not

If you can't finish the 60-120 Q daily because of your duty then I suggest frankly to consider to sit for the following exam to have more time

Some of you have time to finish 60-120 and even more, and some started already long before today

So everyone can try to fit this schedule to his daily study, if it fits then its OK go on. If not then this means by January you will not be ready for the exam

I want to point out that the 60-120 questions should be done quickly and superficially, do not read textbooks and websites after each question to digest the whole topic , just read the question, think, answer , read the explanation (only reading) then move to next question and so so

Rate of solving wrong answers in the schedule is 130-180 in the second time is because you've been through these question so they should take less time.

Lastly as I said you can modify the schedule if your duty is not steady (example if you have 24hours shift you will not study but in next day you will day 120 question ...and so on)

Those who wish to go for the exam following  can use the same schedule if they want to push themselves to studying then they can reset passmedicine and go through it again (like I said in the lecture) or you can multiply the schedule by 2, meaning any 60-120 question daily make it 30, and any 11 pages oxford daily make it 6, eventually you will finish in (103×2=206 days)

I know some of you may feel disappointed or think that I'm exaggerating , but the true is that this is not an easy exam and need well preparation to pass from first attempt

Solving full question bank with repeating wrong answers is the least accepted

Few comments about the schedule 

I tried as much as I can to make Oxford chapters synchronised with the same topic of the MCQ

But it can never be typically the same

So I started with Internal medicine topics of Oxford till we finish internal medicine mcq then moved to dermatology, Opthalmology and ent and psychiatry chapters (which coincidentally finish with their MCQ exaclty) 

Then some of OB and pediatrics chapters then went through the rest of pages that were not finished

When solving the MCQ you don't have to study the same subject very well, accept the fact that you might face a question in the exam about a topic that you don't know much about it and yet solve it by clever thinking (like ruling out the wrong answers)

Just try not to choose any answer by simple luck (mini mini miny mo, lol) , instead try to suggest any rationale for the answer even if you think it's silly and not right, believe me it could be correct thinking.

We will start solving statistics questions by 7th of December, before that I expect to finish statistics lectures to be ready between your hand, statistics is the only chapter that I recommend to study before solving the answers, because it's too much foreign from medicine

Just read passmedicine explanation, simple reading , and then the topic should cross you while reading oxford later

finally you can listen to the following voice messages that explain the above in more details